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Joe Cooney - Coach Of The Year
Pan-Disability Sessions are underway
Humber Premier League Champions Trophy Presentation - Saturday 22nd April 2023
Meet The Champions - Joe Cooney & Mark Watkinson
Meet The Champions - Jack Wright
Meet The Champions - Carl Brewer
Meet The Champions - Chris Murray
Meet The Champions - Ben Alport
Meet The Champions - Alex Zachariou
Meet The Champions - Craig Coxall
Meet The Champions - Chris Saltmer
Meet The Champions - Joey McCormick
Meet The Champions - Luke Cranswick
Meet The Champions - Steven Bielby
Meet The Champions - Joseph Cooney
Meet The Champions - Alex Nattrass
Meet The Champions - Chris Dempsey
Meet The Champions - Jason Barnes
Meet The Champions - Jimmy Jackson
"A club at the heart of the Pocklington Community - with the aim of providing a positive and inclusive football experience for all"